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Here is your Civiliti Catalog. EcoArt in support of Rights and the Environment. 50% of your purchase goes to the artisan. 25% of your purchase goes to the Non-Profit of your choice. Visit the Knowledge Centers to learn more. The EcoArt itself ties to Knowledge Centers.
Photos & graphic representations are for non-commercial use only. Any other use requires EcoArtist approval.
Unique examples of EcoArt, clickable below, take you to the all the Civiliti EcoArt available to you, in the category. You can reach the appropriate Knowledge Center with one click from the EcoArt itself. Enoy your EcoArt and the Learning!
EcoArt that is digitally created, for example, music or photography, will be available for high quality download instantly upon your purchase.
Clicking on the EcoArt will also take you to the stories tied to the artist, artisan, or musician, allowing you to learn about them, about EcoArt and access the artisan's other creations .
The Civiliti Catalog allows you to purchase EcoArt, to see it's ties to Rights and directly support Non-Profits of your choice. And you can Learn about EcoArt, and Environmental and Human Rights.
With the opening of the store you will be able to click on the EcoArt and go direcctly to the cart and checkout center if you desire to make immediate purchases.
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