Human Rights Knowledge Center - example
When you click above you will see a variety of EcoArt, an example of which is shown below, that tells a real story of Human Rights. You will learn about the significance of EcoArt in the fight for rights and the importance of artistic representation of the relationship between Human Rights and the environment.
​You will also learn about the EcoArt itself, the EcoArtists and the EcoArt community.
When you click above will you will learn about Indigenous Rights as they intersect with and impact indigenous peoples relationships with their natural resources. We'll also help you see how thee issues are often tied to and represented within EcoArt.
The information is from credentialed sources and experts (such as the International Society of Ethnobiology) committed to helping you learn about the realities of Human Rights issues faced by indigenous peoples around the globe.
When you click above you will be see links to a number of non-profits working on indigenous and human rights as they relate to the access and management of natural resources.
This is your opportunity to get involved and support the issues that you care about.
Other Human Rights issues under development include:
Access to Natural Resources
Censorship and Free Speech
International Justice
Management of Natural Resources
Refugee and Migrant Rights