Environmental Knowledge Center - example
When you click above you will see a variety of EcoArt, an example of which is shown below, that tells a real story of Climate Change and water-related knowledge and learn about the importance of this artistic representation in the environment.
​You will also learn about the EcoArt itself, the EcoArtists and the EcoArt community.
When you click above you will be provided with a number of facts about Climate Change and Water-related knowledge and we'll help you understand how this to the EcoArt.
The information is from credentialed sources and experts
committed to helping you learn about the impacts of climate change on our planet's water resources.
You will be able to take away real knowledge on the issue of Climate Change and its impact on the planet.
When you click above you will be see links to a number of non-profits working on water-related issues and climate change. This is your opportunity to get involved and support the issues that you care about.

Other topics that will be included in the Environmental Knowledge Center include:
Acid Rain
Genetic Engineering
Global Warming
Loss of Biodiversity
Natural Resource Depletion
Ocean Acidification
Over Population
Ozone Layer Depletion
Public Health
Urban Sprawl
Water Pollution