Environmental Knowledge Center
From Ilya Raskin: I learned photography from my parents while growing up in Russia. Now I am a professor of biology at Rutgers University and president of the Global Institute for BioExploration (GIBEX). My work enables me to travel to many remote locations and help local communities and indigenous peoples conserve biodiversity, preserve traditional knowledge, and improve health and quality of life. My camera allows me to share these places with the world. My major passion is nature and wildlife photography, but I often search for beauty, color, composition and emotions in urban settings and in people's faces. My professional interests in biology and ecology enable me to locate my subjects and find the best moment to capture the shot, and long-time interests in art and art history help me to compose interesting scenes.
The EcoArt, The Artist, The Story
Ilya Raskin is a brilliant EcoArt Photographer whose work is exemplified by his series of Polar Bears that explores the effects of changes in the water and temperature in their habitat in Canada. Ilya's entire library of photographs is part of the Naked Nature Collection in the Civiliti Catalog.
Cimate Change and Water
A UN Water Policy Brief* on climate change adaptation explores the pivotal role of water across all environments.
Water is the primary medium through which climate change influences Earth’s ecosystem and thus the livelihood and well-being of societies. Higher temperatures and changes in extreme weather conditions are projected to affect availability and distribution of rainfall, snowmelt, river flows and groundwater, and further deteriorate water quality. The poor, who are the most vulnerable, are likely to be adversely affected.
Water resources and how they are managed impact almost all aspects of society and the economy, in particular health, food production and security, domestic water supply and sanitation, energy, industry, and the functioning of ecosystems. Under present climate variability, water stress is already high, particularly in many developing countries, and climate change adds even more urgency for action. Without improved water resources management, the progress towards poverty reduction targets, the Millennium Development Goals, and sustainable development in all its economic, social and environmental dimensions, will be jeopardized.
Adaptation to climate change is closely linked to water and its role in sustainable development. To recognize this reality and to respond accordingly presents development opportunities. Various necessary adaptation measures that deal with climate variability and build upon existing land and water management practices have the potential to create resilience to climate change and to enhance water security and thus directly contribute to development. Innovative technological practices and implementation of strategies are also needed at the appropriate levels for adaptation as well as for mitigation.
Adaptation to climate change is urgent. Water plays a pivotal role in it, but the political world has yet to recognize this notion.
*Source: UN-Water Policy Brief Climate Change Adaptation: The Pivotal Role of Water, 2010

​My focus on nature is driven by the desire to preserve the memory of its rapidly disappearing wild splendor. I am grateful and honored that major magazines regularly publish my photographs and that people hang them on their walls. All profits from the sale of my photography are donated to GIBEX to support global conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources, including the 50% that i receive from sales through the Civiliti Catalog.
Featured Advocacy & Resource Quick Check
The Advocacy and Resource section of the Civiliti Catalog will include links to non-profit organizations such as:
Climate Information and Prediction Services (CLIPS)
MoveOn.org Petitions
UN Water
Water Footprint Network
Water Is Life