Civiliti Champions

Alice Benzecry
My main interests are paleobotany, ethnobotany / economic botany and the use of plants by native populations. I am also concern with environmental issues dealing with sea level rising, and the usage of aquatic plants as ecological bioremediators. I obtained a Ph.D. in plant Sciences from the Graduate Center of the City University of NY and the New York Botanical Gardens. After several years of corporate work as a Wetland specialist and Environmental Scientists, I join the School of Natural Sciences at Fairleigh Dickinson University. I am currently serving as an FDU representative at United Nations CoNGO Committee on Sustainable Development and Co-chairing the Metropolitan Campus Green Campus Committee. ...READ MORE

Antonio Mari
Antonio Mari is an multilingual Brazilian born American visual storyteller with a Masters Degree in Photography from New York University and a B.A. in Social Communication from the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil. I also have a Certificate in Video Editing from the Manhattan Edit Workshop in New York. His work has been extensively published worldwide and exhibited in solo and group shows in the United States, France and Brazil. Mari is based in New York City and have many years of experience working as a freelance photographer for editorial and commercial clients.

Daniel Salau Rogei
Daniel Salau Rogei is one of the founders of the Simba Maasai Outreach Organization (SIMOO) in Kenya. SIMOO is a community-based non-profit organization formed in 1996, which works with the Maasai pastoralists of Kenya. SIMOO’s overall goal is to improve the living standards of the community members through integrated development, advocacy and capacity building. His village makes beautiful art crafts. Among the achievements of SIMOO are the establishment of sustainable sources of water that provides safe and clean water to people and livestock. Read more...

Dick Clark
Dick Clark has presented at national and international forums and taught throughout the USA as well as having consulted to MSOs and Programmers, education, association, non-profit organizations, broadband and content development companies. He has continually supported efforts in Human and Indigenous Rights and Cultural Preservation, which formally began 25 years ago in support of the Kayapo of Brazil and indigenous land and water rights. Read more...

Elizabeth Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson is an independent consultant for non-profits as well as being a public servant with Environment and Climate Change Canada in Moncton, New Brunswick. She is passionate about environment and development issues and has worked in these fields for the past seven years. She has also worked and studied in Europe, Africa and South America as part of her Masters studies in Sustainable Tropical Forestry. For the past four years, she has worked with the International Society of Ethnobiology (ISE) providing organizational support, congress planning, strategic fundraising and communications plans, and website management.

Eric Seijo
Eric Seijo is President of Codephreak Technologies, Inc. Since 2006 Eric has run Codephreak Technologies a
software and IT consulting company. Projects range from internal systems, SaaS / Cloud based projects and desktop software applications. Specialties include Ruby on Rails development as well as connecting clients to cloudbased services (Netsuite, SalesForce.com etc.) to increase their proficiency and productivity. Clients include GFI Software, Consumer Sales Solutions, DV&A and PrintManager.com. Read more...

Frank Melli
has spent over the last three decades working for New York-based TV broadcast operations. Recently his lens is focussing on the Sustainable Agricultural aspects of communities and some TV Specials highlighting the efforts of indigenous leaders involved with climate change. Meet The Farmer TV, (now in 120th episode), which Melli founded with farmer Michael Clark, showcases the stories of local growers and other food producers, chefs, organizations and the markets they serve. Read more...

Glauco Lima
Glauco Lima's current release Once Upon A Time is based on an environmental story. Glauco displayed his unique talent at a ver young age, when he used to hum along with his mother on her lullabies even before speaking, says her. Now, with more than twenty years of experience as a live performer, studio musician and producer, bandleader, singer, and composer, he had the opportunity to perform at some highly prestigious venues such as The NY Lincoln Cntr. for the Performing Arts, Fondazione Siena Jazz - Italy (Accademia Nazionale del Jazz), Un Tubo Jazz Club - Italy, Shanghai Jazz Club - NJ, Blue Note Jazz New York, and others. Read more...

Ilya Raskin
Ilya Raskin, Ph.D.Ilya has over 25 years of experience in academic research in plant biology, phytochemistry and pharmacology and 5 yrs. of experience in industrial research in plant biotechnology at DuPont Co. Dr. Raskin received a Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 1984 and joined the faculty of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, in1989 where he currently works as Professor II and President of the Global Institute for Bio-Explorati on (GIBEX). Dr. Raskin is also a member of the NIH Center for Botanicals and Metabolic Syndrome and a founder of three biotechnology companies. Read more...

Irekran Paiakan Kayapo
Irekran Paiakan Kayapo is a noble indigenous leader from the Kayapo tribe from the southern basin of the Brazilian Amazon. The Kayapos make beautiful beaded necklaces, some a brilliant blue or yellow. They also make bracelets and earrings using shells or stones, and headdresses made from the brightly colored feathers of various Amazon birds. The Kayapos are skilled in preparing and applying intricate designs as body paint. They weave sturdy and flexible hammocks. They also make their own canoes as well as fishing and hunting implements such as spears, clubs, blow guns, arrows, and darts. Read more...

Jerry Jemmott
Jerry Jemmott continues his support. Included here, for example, are Piece of My Heart w/ Erma Franklin, Ain't Got No/ I Got Life w/NinaSimone, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised w/Gill Scott Heron, People Got To Be Free w/TheRascals, The Universal Prisoner w/Les McCann & Eddie Harris, Think & Eleanor Rigby w/ArethaFranklin, Attica Blues w/Archie Shepp, Games People Play w/King Curtis, Why I Sing The Blues &The Thrill Is Gone w/BB King and Schoolhouse Rock in the 1970s and 1980s on ABC TV. Read more...

Joao Luis de Carvalho Araujo
Joao Luis de Carvalho Araujo created the first cinema film lab in Brazil one of many things he pioneered. He was an award winning producer and photographer. In his later years his work as a defender of indigenous peoples rights and the rainforest became a new creative focus. Joao assisted in the production of TBS's Amazon Warrior: Paiakan, a documentary by Executive Producer Barbara Pyle. Araujo also helped to implement on the ground floor the Paiakan Legal Defence Fund with Frank Melli, which was funded through the Rainforest Action Network by the Rainforest Alliance, The Barbara Pyle Foundation and other anonymous donors. Read more...

Mario Luiz Thompson
Mario Luiz Thompson is a Brazilian photographer that behind the lens of Love has portraited music, dance, theater, Earth and the Brazilian people. Has edited books, photographed famous artists covers and traveled the world photographing the beauties that nature and humanity has gave us. On the words of famous Brazilian singer and composer Gilberto Gil, Mario Luiz “is one of the most dedicated and zealous devotes of the goddess Music.” Mario has experienced life and the world and always tried to save special moments with his cameras on the simple and natural way they showed up to him. More

Natasha Duarte
Natasha Duarte is an independent consultant living in Hinesburg Vermont (USA). Specializing in organizational development, non-profit management and governance, communications and fundraising, she provides organizational support and strategic planning for non-profits, start-ups and small businesses. Natasha has over 10 years of experience in strategic planning, building effective teams, professionalizing organizations, program development and management, community engagement and targeted PR, training and human resource development and grant writing. Natasha served as the Coordinator and then Managing Director for the International Society of Ethnobiology (ISE) for over eight years.

Terry S. Polyák
Terry S. Polyák is a business development, senior sales/sales management andmarketing leader with depth / breadth of experience & knowledge inmultiple disciplines: Finance, Funding, SAAS/Software, Product salesand distribution; Online Marketing and Advertising, Start-ups,Traditional/Online Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Traveland Nonprofits. He is a customer relationship-buildingprofessional with clients and agencies and has great success selling ideas,products, & complex solutions; also secures & manages key accounts,& sales teams & strategic partnerships. Read more...

Vera Raskin
Vera Raskin is the Managing Director Arttribal.com. As a professional marketing researcher and as a historian I know the allure of the infinite field of African Tribal Art. As a certified life coach I am rewarded by e-mails and phone conversations with my clients from all over the world. They contact me about all aspects of tribal art from tribal identification to assistance with selection of pieces for stage decorations, art insta llations, home décor, and rounding out their collections. Read more...

Zé Luis
Zé Luis was nominated for the Palme d'Or at Cannes and was the Brazilian entry at the Academy Awards in 1987. In New York, Zé Luis continues his longtime association with Bebel Gilberto, right up to one of her most recent release, All In One (Verve), nominated for the 2010 Grammy Award for Best Contemporary World Music Album, on which Zé is credited as flautist and arranger. In 2011, he worked as co-producer and arranger with Bebel on the song “Samba de Orly” for the movie “Rio” and its soundtrack album. Read more...
Below is a list of our wonderful Champions: EcoArtists, volunteers and advisors. We are delighted to add new partners who share our passion for civility and wish to support our efforts. Please contact us to discuss your desire to help or recommended people for us to speak with about partnership potentials.
Civiliti Champion Interns

Meghan Zimbler
Meghan Zimbler is an aspiring TV journalist, focusing on Human Rights, and activism around the world. She is a recent graduate of Springfield College with a degree in Communications and journalism. Zimbler is really excited about interning and working with Civiliti.

Ellis Abboud
Ellis Abboud is an up and coming audiovisual director, producer, and editor who recently graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University with a B.A. in Communications focusing in audiovisual production and engineering. He has spent the last year working closely with Frank Melli of Melli Productions (another Civiliti Champion) to bring media content and help spread the word of Civiliti. As far as a personal stake in Civiliti and what it does, Ellis' outlook is one that says "Why not?" "Why not care for the earth after all it gives us life and therefore a reason to care"