Frank Melli
Frank Melli has spent over the last three decades working for New York-based TV broadcast operations. He has been recently focusing his lens on the Sustainable
Agricultural aspects of communities and some TV Specials highlighting the efforts of
indigenous leaders involved with climate change. Meet The Farmer TV, (now in 120th
episode), which Melli founded with farmer Michael Clark, showcases the stories of local
growers and other food producers, chefs, organizations and the markets they serve. The Climate Change Specials are part of Frank's ongoing collaboration with the United Nations.
In the 90's Melli pioneered a series of interactive town hall meetings involving viewers in debates. Participants Jimmy
Carter and Al Gore
noted the influence these broadcasts had
on influencing the Bush administration by keeping them from further watering down the international
treaties of the 1992
Rio Earth Summit.
Melli also partnered with Global University System and the NYC Board of Education to demonstrate e-learning.
Melli is also an award winning producer for his work on environmental issues with EnviroVideo awards for documentaries “Three Mile Island Revisited” and “Nukes In Space.” Frank also works with homeless children at Sidewalks of NY Productions helping these children to win video festivals, get internships, jobs and even scholarships. Frank has lectured at Queens College and taught media literacy and live video production at I.S. 5 in NYC.
In 2002, Frank Melli co-produced “One Child One Voice.” In affiliation with the United Nations, Melli coordinated international satellite distribution, broadcasting the program globally 8 times for the United Nation’s Johannesburg Conference on Sustainable Development. He also coordinated the marketing and distribution of these broadcasts to over 3,000 TV stations in over 110 counties. In 2003, this program was nominated for an Emmy Award and won a total of 39 awards altogether.
Since 1987, Franks works with the natives defending the Brazilian rainforest is an ongoing long term process to which Melli continues to dedicate his life. He created a Kayapo Legal Defense Fund and a Kayapo Scholarship Fund in which, the 1st Kayapo attorney graduated this year (2014).
He was the technical director / director and edited 62 yoga videos in India to show the medical benefits of yoga and continues to consult with Integral Yoga Institute and as is currently full time as a TV broadcast engineer/technical director and TV editor to WPIX/Tribune in NYC.
Frank brings CiViLiTi tremendous skills in Production, Editing, Media Management and LiveStreaming, as well as NonProfit Development and Management and wonderful experience with indigenous and entertainment relationships.