Daniel Salau Rogei
is one of the founders of the Simba Maasai Outreach Organization (SIMOO) in Kenya. SIMOO is a community-based non-profit organization formed in 1996, which works with the Maasai pastoralists of Kenya. SIMOO’s overall goal is to improve the living standards of the community members through integrated development, advocacy and capacity building. His village makes beautiful art crafts.
Among the achievements of SIMOO are the establishment of sustainable sources of water that provides safe and clean water to people and livestock; livelihoods diversification programs which include dry land agriculture, improved livestock husbandry, entrepreneurships and natural resource management; general community empowerment through education (both formal and informal), capacity building and networking; participation in national, regional and international processes that have direct and indirect impact on the lives of the Maasai; and Biodiversity and Environmental conservation through initiatives such as indigenous tree nurseries, cultural resource centres and cultural shows.
Together with Maasai leader Francis ole Sakuda, Daniel is a featured commentator in Quench, the short documentary film produced by the Maasai Cultural Exchange Project (MCEP) that focuses on the lives and culture of the Maasai tribe and their desperate need for water in Maasailand, Kenya.