Dick Clark
Mr. Clark has presented at national and international forums and taught throughout the USA as well as having consulted to MSOs and Programmers, education, association, non-profit organizations, and broadband and content development companies. He has continually supported efforts in Human and Indigenous Rights and Cultural Preservation, which formally began 25 years ago in support of the Kayapo of Brazil and indigenous land and water rights.
Clark has been Lead Instructor and Curriculum Developer for WICT (Women in Cable Telecommunications) for over 2 decades. He is the creator, author and instructor of WICTs National Case Study programs, as well as national and customized Telecommunications Boot Camps. He also has created programs for the New York State Division of Human Rights, CCC UN [the Communications Coordinating Committee for the
UN], ICCC, International Council for Caring Communities (UN NGO), Senior Friendship Centers, ISE, International Society of Ethnobiologists and others.
Prior to the above, he served as President and Chief Operating Officer for Corstar Broadband Solutions, a leading IT company with clients such as Time Warner, Cablevision, Adelphia, JetBlue, NY Public Libraries and NY State Department of Education, where the Company created the only certified video-centric, distance learning program for adult literacy (www.eliteracyny.org & www.careerachieve.com). Mr. Clark created partnerships for CareerAchieve with all the MSO operators in New York State.
Mr. Clark served as Corporate SVP, Marketing and Programming for NYNEX Entertainment and Information Services (now Verizon). He was also Vice President and General Manager of Cablevision for the Boston region, where he successfully turned around what was the most troubled cable franchise in the US; this resulted in the sale of these properties for 1.1 billion to ATT. At Time Warner in NY he served in a number of VP roles, including the responsibility for pre-planning and start-up operations for the most state-of-the-art cable system in the USA at the time.
Dick has also executive produced more than 5500 hours of diversified video content, including Pay Per View, VOD, live events and educational programs and has been intimately involved with a number of Broadband portals. In the cable world, he is considered by many to be the originator of multi-channel digital audio having pioneered the concept in the early 80’s for HBO. Mr. Clark has always been involved in industry affairs, community affairs and rights organizations. He was a founding Board Member of CTAM New England and of the Boston Cable Co-op. His love of children and sports has been continually expressed in finding a team of youngsters to coach somewhere. He has been heavily involved with the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (serving inner city kids) for three decades, having founded and initially funded the New England Chapter. He is also continually active in supporting the expansion of virtual, video-centric, interactive and interdependent programs in support of rights and cultural preservation.