Professor of Biological Sciences
My main interests are paleobotany, ethnobotany / economic botany and the use of plants by native populations. I am also concern with environmental issues dealing with sea level rising, and the usage of aquatic plants as ecological bioremediators. I obtained a Ph.D. in plant Sciences from the Graduate Center of the City University of NY and the New York Botanical Gardens. After several years of corporate work as a Wetland specialist and Environmental Scientists, I join the School of Natural Sciences at Fairleigh Dickinson University.
I am currently serving as an FDU representative at United Nations CoNGO Committee on Sustainable Development and Co-chairing the Metropolitan Campus Green Campus Committee. As a Civiliti volunteer and advisor, I have:
Introduced and collaborated with several EcoArtists and animation person who created the book animation used in the Civiliti 101 fundraising video.
contributed with key scientific advise to Climate Change documentaries and environmental TV programs that have been seen by hundreds of viewers on our YouTube Channel.
wrote environmental messages for Green Heart CD cover
preformed Civiliti television interview with Barbara Zimmerman, Director of the Kayapó Project.
continue to contribute with scientific advise for the permaculture clean up of the Maria Bonita goldmine on the Kayapo Territory in Brazil